Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Went and brought him some fags & food £4.50 (total: £15.41)

As I was walking away from the homeless man who was reading I thought, no - blow it - gonna buy him some fags and food. So I went to the nearest newsagent and brought him a Kit Kat, a Copella Apple Juice and a ten pack of cigarettes. Which actually only came to £4.47 but there was some quibble about the 3p change (namely the man thought he'd given it to me already when he hadn't) so that got put in a charity box too but I was too flustered to know which one... And so...And then... I walked back and said 'Hullo. I brought you these... because I was so impressed you were reading, and um - you look clean, and like you're trying to look after yourself and I like that' and he said 'I am, thank you' and then I told him what was in the bag and he said thank you in a really humble, wide eyed wonder way and then he told me what book he was reading (a book on Afghanistan) and we left it at that.
Actually, as I walked off he said 'Happy New Year by the way' and I looked over my shoulder, and smiled at him and said: 'You too Sir'...

I like that man. The next homeless man I saw was swearing madly, meanly at himself and I thought - 'well, I'm glad I didn't buy you an apple juice', and I think - perhaps - that I'll buy the Piccadilly Homeless Man Who Likes To Read a piece of fruit today and make him sandwiches the next.

Gave 40p to a homeless man reading on Piccadilly (total: £10.91)

I walked past a homeless man on Piccadilly and he was sitting there calmly reading a book - I thought it was so peaceful of him that I gave him 40p and said 'I think it's cool you're reading a book'... Then I walked on, randomly listening to Billy Joel sing a sad song and thought... It really is cool he's reading a book and so I went to the newsagents and picked him some stuff up...

Monday, January 08, 2007

Gave £1 to the homeless man at Leceister Square (total: £10.51)

I went to the cinema last night in the rain... coming out of Leceister Square tube station there was a nice homeless man, with a neatly written sign and a smile upon his scrubbed face. I turned back around and gave him a pound and he gave me a really lovely smile back. I liked him. He was clean and idle as a great lady once said... And hoepfully still smiling.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Gave £1 to the lady sleeping rough in High St Ken (total: £9.51p)

There was a homeless lady in High Street Kensington on the 29th of December by the cash machine. She was crying and whilst I said 'Please don't cry' I thought the only thing that would help her would be a pound. She was clean, and kind, and stopped crying enough to thank me - I hope she's not crying now.
If only I had lots of money, I'd buy ladies and gentlemen like her hot potatoes and fill them with cheese and baked beans.

Gave 40p to the Big Issue Man with Blue Eyes (total: £8.51p)

There's a lovely black man with blue eyes that sells The Big Issue at Baron's Court Station, although -weirdly - he seems to live in a house on my road. Anyway, he's lovely - sometimes he asks me for a kiss, sometimes he asks for money, and sometimes he asks for nothing at all. Before Christmas I gave him what was in my pocket, it was only 40p, but hey... Maybe next time he'll get a kiss.

Gave money to some landmines - £0.11p (total £8.11p)

I had a £1 in my hung-over hand the other day ready to spend it all (and more if necessary, it was that bad) on a Lucozade to make me feel better. Turned out to be a bargain and I had 11p to spare. Popped it in the over-flowing charity box and wondered if some little scally was gonna take it off the top next time they were in. Whatever, both a cause right?