Monday, December 18, 2006

What money? (£0.00)

I had a grandad who was smashing. He was the first man to tell me I was beautiful and used to call me Daddy Long-legs... pretty sweet when you think that I'm actually 5'3"...

When he passed away (strange that we still have no nicer sentences to say about something so sad) he left me and my three brothers a £1,000... I was about 15 at the time.

I'm not sure what my brother's did with their money, but I know I spent mine very unwisely. I expect most 15 year olds would. It's just, 13 years later, I wish I'd spent it better. So this is my diary of doing just that. Spending the £1,000 again (perhaps even with interest if all goes well and I feel wise and math-like) until I've left a more fitting legacy in my favourite Grandad's* footsteps

(* not being unkind, I never knew the other one)

And this is how it went, and this is how it was, and let's begin...

1 comment:

Will said...

Great, great premise for a blog.

Nice to see you again on Friday, btw.