Friday, March 16, 2007

Found an amber ring I brought at the time for £32.00 and started wearing it again (total: £77.21)

Ha. I did buy something worthwhile and I even remember how much I paid for it. I had slumped along to a crafts fair in our local town hall, inheritance burning a hole in my teenage pocket, smile full of sadness - when I saw a stall with lots of amber rings on... Strange really, since my birthstone if Ruby too - but I have the ring, am looking at it as I type and feel like I can add to it my new-spending, even though it's 'old spent'. It's also nothing like the ring in this picture, but it's pretty - with twiddly bits around it and a big amber stone.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Brought the man with a puppy soup and stuff for £4.39 (total: £44.21)

After seeing the nice smile and the puppy and the teddy I went to God Awful Pret (sorry) and brought two bits of bread (one for the dog) some soup, an apple and an orange juice. Then - having checked the chap was still there, I marched back out to the street to drop the bag with the boy only to find that he was standing up, dealing drugs, in new trainers, clean jeans and a bored dog. The teddy bear had been thrown aside.
I watched for a while, felt a little stupid and then walked on. Thinking - 'I really don't want this soup' when I saw a little black, rolled up sad ball of a person a few yards down the road and put the bag gently down beside her instead. 'Excuse me' I said, 'Excuse me'... She looked up, looked very sad and then looked very hungry.
I guess everything happens for a reason... She deserved it far more.

Gave a homeless man with a cute teddy a £1 (total: £39.82)

On Kensington High Street there was a man under a blanket with his dog and a teddy bear. Since I'd been talking about my teddy bear (cleverly called Mark Ted since my Godfather Mark gave it to me*) - I stopped and gave the man a pound and said 'I like your teddy. Have a nice day'. He was clean, a lot cleaner than his teddy and said 'Thank you' with a nice smile thrown in tidily. Which... of course, makes me want to go and buy him soup and bread and something for the dog... which I did.... But then... But then...
*By the way, everything my Godfather Mark gave me was prefixed with his name, so I had Mark Ted, Mark Doll, Mark Necklace... oh I was an imaginative child...

Gave a £1 to that nice chap at Baron's Court (total: £38.82)

The Baron's Court Big Issue Man (who mysteriously also lives in a house on my street) and I are getting on terribly well. We have got in to the habit of asking each other 'where's my diamond ring?' and him saying 'where's my Jaguar?' - one day, hell - I might just surprise him.
I saw him this morning and he was limping along the road - poor lamb - when he saw me ahead, stretched his arms out either side and called out a cute, no-tooth 'hullo', rather like a 'hurrooo!'. Anway, he has added a new sentence in to our repetoire and it goes like this: 'How about a love affair?' to which I answer 'How about a pound?'
He took the pound...