Friday, February 02, 2007

Gave £3 to the lady in Piccadilly Toilets (total: £18.41)

I have been slack recently when it comes to posting although seemingly pretty generous with giving money away - thing is, can't entirely remember all the little bits and pieces I've done... Dammit, that defeats the object of this doesn't it? Have also been away - so it's not that I didn't wish to post. Perhaps the ones I forget can count towards the interest I thought I might try and pay back... Anyway...

The toilets in Piccadilly tube station are amazing. I know it sounds silly, but they're on my line and I never cease to be amazed that they're kept so clean when so many people pass through (have that statistic somewhere too, but hey)... So when I finally saw the little cleaning elf that keeps them so clean I gave her all the change in my bag, which turned out to be exactly £3. She looked a little surprised but in one of those pleasant - 'ah, most people normally ignore me' kind of ways - so I was happy.

Post Script however - check the sound of the hand dryers - it's hilarious. They're like a jet taking off - I've seen so many tourists nearly jump out of their skins - poor lambs.

Right - what else have I been handing out?...

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