Friday, February 02, 2007

Gave £5 to Water Aid (total: £26.86p)

I never drink enough water. Never. In fact, in Amsterdam once, a Reiki Master took one look at me turning up for an appointment, asked me what was wrong (headaches, aches and pains) and said 'You don't drink enough water. Come back in 3 months when you've started to get in to a routine and your bodies better' (sock it to me gently dear).

And it made me think, as I was getting all pious about having a glass of water with my breakfast this morning, that - for so many people - it's a luxury, not a chore... Water Aid is an international charity dedicated to helping people escape the stranglehold of poverty and disease caused by living without safe water and sanitation. Aren't they good? I copied that from the website. If you want to donate - do so here.

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