Sunday, October 21, 2007

Gave a man sitting on Regent Street with no socks on £1.33 from my pocket (total: £421.80p)

It's funny... As we skit scatter our way around town on a scratchy Saturday, spending our money on nonsense and nothing, we seem to think it's okay to hurtle, hurt our way past the bent body by Benetton, empty cup in hand, nothing on his filthy feet. I stopped to find some money for him in my pocket and was huffed at; 'look where you're going' I was told.

Idiots. The lot of us.

I gave the man all I had in pocket, which wasn't much because I'd just been robbed by Starbucks (actually, I hadn't, but I had watched someone rob them... nonchalantly walking in, picking up a bottle of water - healthy robber - and walking back out again... serves them right). When I dropped the money in his empty cup (come on people, empty - really? Too busy spending money on crap to pass on change?), he looked up and gave me one of those clean, I-never-meant-to-be-here gazes that make you feel like frippery and all the modern world means. I kept walking and stopped... More 'look where you're going's for me then...

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