Sunday, October 21, 2007

Help the kind waiter with crooked teeth win a competition by buying My Good Friend Ashley a glass of Champagne £16.00 (total: £444.80p)

My Lovely Friend Ashley was leaving to return to Amsterdam, which was a shame for the lot of us as she was One of The Good Ones at work and I think we messed up a little bit, but... besides to the point, and anyway, and let's move on...

We had been meaning to go for a drink for a while, but not really a goodbye drink, we had hoped to get one of them in before. But time flew past, as it does, and we ended up toasting her travels on the 8th of August (I know, look how long it's taken me to post this toast), outside Villandry, which - incidentally - is the place I got stuck in on The Day of the Bombs. Ouch.

But it's a nice place, and there are lovely waiters, and several of them I am very fond of. One of these waiters has a crooked, charming smile. His teeth dance around the place and end up giving you this kooky tired grin, mainly because the boy works too damn hard serving people that forget to say 'please'.

On this day, he bashfully asked me if I would mind helping him out on something, and that he's 'pay me back'. He was in a competition at work where you had to sell glasses of elite, lovely champagne to the customers to win a trip to France to see how it was made. He was one glass away from winning.

So I brought Ashley one.

Firstly, I have never seen a girl so drunk, so instantly. And for me, a girl that hates champagne, I have never tasted anything so yum. These beautiful bubbles, however, went straight to her head, she was giggling and whooshing all over the place, heels falling off and apologetic texts to her friends she was late and lovely to meet. Leonie (the lovely, little cousin) and I, were dreadfully amused... As was The Charming Waiter.

He won by the way.
But he's been put in to too many shifts to actually be able to go over there so far.

He also tried to pay me back, and it went something like this:
I was out with Fantastic Amber and Kind Cat, drinking Rose.
He (Charming Waiter) came over and told me he'd brought our last 3 roses for us, which came to £13.00
I had, therefore, only spent £3.00 on him.
Please don't do that, I said, you don't need to.
Next, he brought us a bottle of the same champagne, saying it was on him, tucking £70.00 under the bucket, and just asking me to use that to pay him once he brought the bill.
Uh, Charming Waiter, now we're really in trouble.
I was now £67.00 pounds in his deficit.
Not what I was trying to do at all.
In the end, Fantastic Amber, Kind Cat and I brought the champagne, or at least, perhaps a client might have brought the champagne.
I also tipped him £20.00
Which, if anyone can do the maths... meant, well... that I had sorted it out.
I never was good at maths....

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